Entries Chart

NOTE: All entries charts posted have account numbers and profit/loss blacked out.

While the cost of SPY and QQQ are reflected on their stock charts, the corresponding options values are reflected on what’s called an Entry(entries) Chart. These are found through a broker where options/stock orders are placed.

Similar to stock charts, value on the right axis, time on the bottom axis. The specific option being shown will be displayed on top left. The example above is an entries chart for SPY July 1 544 calls, as seen at top left of screenshot.

The broker shown (Interactive Brokers) uses blue triangles to show buy orders, and red triangles to show sell orders. These blue and red markers do not account for quantity of contracts, meaning the blue and red markers could represent a buy/sell of one or multiple contracts at the same time.

See example. (P&L and account number blacked out as usual)

SPY July 1st 544 call option bought @ 9:30 for 1.90 ($190), sold 9:31 for 2.28 ($228). This is a $38 increase PER CONTRACT in just one minute.

Another example showing multiple entries and exits. Note the horizontal green shadow line across the screen at 1.70 is the current average price of existing contracts. This average price changes with the additional adds/buys as shown by the blue markers. Red markers are the sells. A picture with no horizontal green line means the trade is done, completed.

These red and blue markers do not show quantity. This means one blue marker could be 1 contract (option) or multiple contracts (options). The markers show when the “buy” or “sell” button is clicked. A person can sell one or multiple at a time.

See the example below to see a snapshot of a trade still in progress (showing green shadow line), and the same trade when finished (no green shadow, so last red arrow is the final sell).